• Tag like

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag like :
  • ...CIAO!! (Image de Ulquiorra, parce que tout ça est bien déprimant.)   Okay, So guuuys, I'm really sorry to have to say something like that to you, but yeah, I'm stopping this blog now. I don't have the time to be here anymore, and I'm really lacking of envy. I mean, I'm not into Harry Potter, and...

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  • ...put some news, I'm so so so sorry for the delay but serriiouuusly, I got so MANY PROBLEMS right now, like.....I'm sooooo going to be killed. I'm sure I won't lose the opportunity to write about that big drama called "MY LIFE" so be prepared to hear the terrible war that's setteling between the...

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  • ...même s'ils ne sont pas /si/ nombreux que ça. Merci de votre compréhension, de vos visites et tout... :D I loooove you!!!)   Okay. First of all, I'd like to apologise for my very... er.... medicore english, but I'll try to be understandable. :D The second thing I really want to tell of you... I...

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  • Turkey (Sadiq Annan): A masked uncle with a lively personality who speaks like a Tokyoite.  He’s absurdly passionate, friendly and merry. But he’s kind of stubborn about some weird stuff. Oddly, he likes sweet things, baths, and entertaining tourists. He doesn’t get along with...

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